Don’t think you could possibly have parasites? Think again.
The common belief that humans are immune to parasites unless traveling outside of the U.S. is a false belief and yet ingrained in so many of us. The truth is that just like our own animals have to be dewormed about 4 times a year, humans should be parasite cleansing multiple times a year as well. Parasites are regularly picked up throughout our lives through the food we eat, our pets, the water we drink and even simply through touching unclean surfaces.
Some say that parasites are the most undetected and untreated issue underlying many mental health and chronic health conditions hiding under labels such as IBS, insomnia, fibromyalgia, anxiety and more. Take it from someone who has passed thousands of parasites and after my experience I would be silly to think that it’s not causing a whole host of issues for others as well. Often most of us do not understand the prevalence of parasites until we have cleansed ourselves. The most common symptoms include acne, fatigue, anxiety, depression, food sensitivities, insomnia, and IBS.
It is actually much more complex to heal from parasites than you would think. It is not as simple as getting one prescription pill or doing one round of herbs. This approach does not encompass the complexity of parasite life cycles, life spans, their adaptive nature, and how they hide from our immune systems in biofilms in the gut. This is often why stool samples will come back negative because if we are not actively trying to bust open biofilms to target these issues- they’re not going to show up on tests. Let’s not forget the protective mechanisms parasites can encompass as they hold their weight in other toxins such as mold, lyme, and metals. If these other toxicities go unaddressed- parasites have a reason to stay and will keep coming back even after multiple attempts to eradicate them.
The biggest takeaway I hope someone takes from this post is that you should never do a parasite cleanse without addressing your body’s drainage pathways before cleansing. Ideally, it is best to work with a practitioner who understands environmental toxicity including drainage pathways, mold, lyme, and heavy metals.