We so underestimate the power of our daily habits and their direct correlation to how we feel! Here are a few reminders for everyone that bringing it back to the basics is powerful.
To touch on a few of my favorites…
SUNSHINE within 30 minutes of waking helps to set our circadian rhythm so that we feel more awake during the day and get better sleep at night. Not to mention all the other benefits of sunshine and it’s impacts on dopamine, serotonin, blood sugar, cholesterol, hormones, vitamin D, and more.
GROUNDING is when you get your bare feet connected to the earth via grass, concrete, brick, rocks, flowing rivers, beaches, etc. Grounding has been shown to lower inflammation, reduce anxiety, improve mood, improve blood pressure, reduce pain, fatigue, and more. Spending 10 minutes with your feet on the ground is great but even more time outside is even better!
GRATITUDE is one of the highest vibrations you can put out. Starting your day or ending your day in gratitude affects your subconscious mind because during these times your brain is in a theta wave state.
HZ MUSIC is often referred to as Solfeggio frequencies. 528 Hz is known as the healing/miracle tone and has been shown to calm the nervous system and has even been linked to repairing DNA damage. (Some have said they have even gotten rid of parasites simply by listening to this frequency). Just 10-20 minutes a day is ideal.
I challenge you to choose 3 of these habits and prioritize them for the next week and see how you feel!