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My Favorite Products

Nontoxic Skincare & Makeup



Did you know the U.S. only bans 30 chemicals from our personal care products? To put this into perspective Europe has banned upwards of 1,400 ingredients. I love Beautycounter because they have banned 1,800 different harmful ingredients from their products.

Red Light Therapy

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Mito Red Light

Research is showing that using red and near-infrared light can have a significant impact in healing damaged tissues all while decreasing symptoms of pain and inflammation. Not to mention the benefits of increasing melatonin production for deeper and more restful sleep.

Castor Oil Packs


Queen of Thrones

Castor oil packs have been a must for me while healing. When placed on the liver, castor oil will work to increase lymphatic flow, unclog the bile duct, and decrease inflammation and pain.

My Favorite Products: Features



Further Food

Collagen is the most prevalent type of protein in the body and some say is protective against lyme spirochetes. I especially love Further Foods collagen because they don't use those additives or fillers like most collagen brands and are sugar, dairy, and GMO free. 


Energetic Oils and EMF Blockers



These five TriVibrance oils have been powerful at restoring balance to my nervous system. Each oils is specifically imprinted to help release negative emotions in certain organs and reinstalling vibrancy. TriVibrance also carries incredible EMF protective diodes to place on electronics.

Non Toxic Toothpaste



Boka formulates their toothpaste to be 100% non-toxic and fluoride free. Instead they have opted for nano-hydroxyapatite which has shown to be powerful at the re-mineralization of teeth. Nano-hydroxyapatite is an even more plentiful source of free calcium than even fluoride.

My Favorite Products: Features
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